Our body is not completely immune to viruses and bacteria. Some viral infections, such as shingles, are aggressive. They cause physical discomfort and get passed around from one person to another. These infections also don’t consider a person’s age or gender. It affects any person for as long as they are not immunized.
So, what is the deal with immunization? In our prescription pharmacy in Florida, we provide immunization for a host of viral infections. These include shingles, flu, and pneumonia. The purpose of immunization is to prepare our immune system for these bacteria. When shingles bacteria infect a person, these cannot affect the patient in full. The person’s immune system is already prepared to fight back.
Shingles: Digging Deeper
The virus that causes shingles is called the varicella-zoster virus. If you have had chickenpox, know that this is the same virus that brings shingles. So, when you already had chickenpox as a child, that virus may reactivate in the later years, and this becomes the shingles. The comforting news is that shingles is not life-threatening. It’s just that, these come as painful blisters that are also contagious.
- What symptoms should you watch out for?
You know you have shingles if you experience or notice the following:
- Painful sensations on the skin, accompanied by tingling or numbness
- Reddish rashes that follow the painful sensations days after
- Blisters filled with fluid that turns to crust days after
- Itchy blisters
For some people, their symptoms also include fever, headache, fatigue, and sensitivity to light. If you suspect that your loved one has shingles, consult with the doctor immediately.
- When is it time to call the doctor?
Like what we have mentioned earlier, shingles are not really life-threatening. It is especially so if they have been vaccinated from pharmacies that also provide health care services. Regardless, when a person has shingles, there are certain conditions that should compel them to go to the doctor as soon as possible.
These conditions include:
- The shingles rashes occurred near the eyes. This location is risky as it can result in permanent eye damage.
- The patient is already an older adult or at least 60 years old. By then, their immune system is already getting weaker, so they may not have enough strength to fight the virus.
- The patient already has a low immune system due to existing illness or aggressive medication.
- The shingles rashes have spread across the body and are disrupting the person’s mobility.
Final thoughts:
These are some of the crucial elements of shingles that you need to know. As a provider of pharmacy services in Riverview, Florida, we also say that shingles is nothing to be afraid of. Get the proper immunization so you can protect yourself as well as your family from this virus. If you have any questions about shingles or the different immunization options, inquire us at Riverview Pharmacy.
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